Sunday, November 24, 2013

John's Oyster Stew

3 Tbsp. butter
1 cup oysters, with juice
2 cups milk
salt and pepper to taste

In a sauce pan on med high heat melt butter.  Add oysters and juice.  Cook until the oysters start to curl, about 2 to 3 minutes.  Add milk, salt and pepper.  Cook on high until the milk is close to boiling but don't allow it to boil, about 3-4 minutes.  Stir constantly to keep milk from sticking.  Serves 2 or 1 really hungry oyster stew lover.

Comments:  I don't eat oysters in any form nor dish.  I've tried them a couple of times but the thought of what I'm eating has prevented me from eating them willingly.  John loves oyster stew and decided to 'teach' me how he makes his.  This is one of the simplest recipes I've ever seen but he says it is delicious.  My Dad loved oyster stew and used to make his own too.  I remember his recipe included just these few ingredients with him using evaporated milk instead of regular milk.  So, guys here is a really easy to make dish, if you like oyster stew.  If you decide to make this I'll give you something in return... my share.

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